Historical Center

Smithsonian Lawn


Site Plans

Traveling Exhibit for Forestry Education

  • Category: Major
  • Program: Maya
  • Project date: Fourth Year
  • Site 1: Historical Center, Mexico City
  • Site 2: Smithsonian Lawn, Washington D.C
  • Site 3: Young-Dundas, Toronto
  • Project Type: Individual

Overview & Design

The objective of this project was to develop a narrative that can be applied programmatically to three different sites, including The National Mall, Yonge-Dundas, and El Zocalo. Developing a design narrative that addressed a global issue connecting the three sites was my goal for this project. I chose to focus on forestry; a relevant topic across the world. Mass deforestation is adversely impacting the globe and wildfires are ravaging natural landscapes. Some countries have developed conservation strategies to plant enough trees to sustain future generations. Canada, Mexico, and the United States are all in different stages of forestry development. The design narrative was rooted in this connection held between the three sites. A kit of parts was developed to provide various experiences across the site, providing opportunities to learn and explore.